The Ontario Ultra Series (O.U.S.) GRAND SLAM challenges seasoned ultra runners to complete all three of the longest races in the Series within the calendar year. Few are expected to rise to the challenge and even fewer are expected to realize the goal. By its very nature, the GRAND SLAM will push both physical and mental boundaries, recognizing and rewarding those that complete it. New in 2014 is the Petit SLAM.


2016 RULES:

For rules for the Petit SLAM click here.
  1. You must declare your intent to participate in the O.U.S. SLAM before the start of Sulphur Springs 100 mile Trail Race.
  2. The form and a fee of $50 must be mailed to Dirty Runner, 19 Stuart Ave. St. Catharines, ON L2R 1M6.  Your envelope must be postmarked the day before the Sulphur Springs race.
  3. Cheques must be made payable to Dirty Runner Productions
  4. The fee is non-refundable
  5. Successful SLAMMERS will be recognized at the OUTRACE awards banquet
  6. To successfully complete the SLAM, a runner must complete, as per the rules of the respective races  the following three races:
  • Sulphur Springs 100 miles
  • Ottawa 100 miles
  • Haliburton 100 miles

All races are part of the Ontario Ultra Series.